What is the difference between cross and straight cut?
A Straight-Cut Shredder produces literally long 'strips' cut vertically. A Cross-Cut cuts the paper in both directions - horizontally and vertically, producing 'chips'.
What are the benefits of using Cross-Cut shredders?
Cross-Cut is ideal when higher security is required. It reduces more waste, bulking down by at least 70%.
What are the benefits of using Straight-Cut shredders?
Straight-Cut offers faster speed and is suitable for lower security documents
Why is my shredder not shredding as many sheets as it says in the manual?
To maintain smooth operation the cutting head must be lubricated regularly using lubrication oil for shredders.
What does security level mean?
Din level determines the size of paper cut and the security level each shredder offers. This is an industry standard
How do I clear normal paper jams?
Continuously reverse and forward until the paper has cleared through.